I ran Cinematic Unisystem for the first time this week, having only played it (Buffy) before. The working title for this endeavor is Angel: 1957; kind of boring but gets the point across. It's a two-part scenario: first half my own making and the second taken from World of Darkness: Midnight Roads. The characters form a three-person band called Ellen Hart with the Sonic Rockets. They have been touring southern states for a couple of months and have one single released on Meteor Records. And then, of course, Something Happens... but that'll be in part two. In the first session they drove from a disastrous gig in Texarkana to Hope, Arkansas and performed successfully there.
Period music was played from my laptop, people seemed to have a good time, and the system stayed nicely out of the way. To be continued!
Game Count: 38/52
FINNA: Helsingin olympialaiset (1952)
10 years ago