Tuesday, 1 July 2008

Howardian summer

No, I don't intend to conquer myself a kingdom this summer and rule it by my mighty thews and this axe. Pitiful, I know. Instead I shall test The Savage World of Solomon Kane on some friends who are fans of Conan and Robert E. Howard in general. It seems that PEG have pulled out all the stops when creating Kane. It's a very handsome and sturdy hardback, certainly the best-looking book of theirs I have seen. The writing feels appropriate for the theme, too, and Kane should be exactly the kind of game the Savage Worlds rules were made for. We're going to have a character generation session tomorrow.

I'll also get to play a Howardian hero, as our Call of Cthulhu GM has promised to run a few sessions of Mongoose's d20 Conan.

To make sure I don't suffer any withdrawal symptoms between sessions, I have ordered no less than three collections of REH short stories and a like number of The Savage Sword of Conan reprint collections.

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