No, you haven't missed a novel in Bernard Cornwell's highly entertaining
series. I'm talking about Neil Gow's new indie RPG
Duty & Honour. Sharpe is his biggest single source of inspiration and from what I've read so far (the book only arrived from Lulu yesterday), it seems to capture the spirit admirably. The game says right out of the gate that it is not a strict historical simulation of Napoleonic land battles, trying instead to follow the exploits of Sharpe, Aubrey & Maturin, and other fictional heroes of the era.
I like the physical appearance of the book, too. Someone commented that it's close to the size of Osprey's military history books, and that may not be an accident. It's easier to read than a small paperback, yet handier to carry than a traditional full-size RPG. The layout is unexceptional but clear (important to me) and editing seems to be pretty good. Wellesley's name is misspelled in the in-character introduction, but that is the only typo I've spotted so far.
I hope I get to actually try this game out instead of just adding it to my collection.