Wednesday, 31 December 2008


As it is now one hour past midnight and there won't be any gaming today, it is apparent that I missed my goal for 2008 by ten sessions. I think that gaming once a week can only be accomplished if your group consists of people with lots of free evenings or weekends, or if you have at least two ongoing groups that do not overlap much personnel-wise.

I am not embarking on a similar project, or any so-called project, next year. If I get to run some games that have been rolling about in my head and to play in other GMs' entertaining campaigns, that'll be good enough. By that yardstick this year was certainly a success, too, despite the numerical failure.

A wish list of things I'd like to do this coming year, just off the top of my head:
  • Some more Angel 1957 adventures
  • A good western
  • Trying out some of the more interesting indie games, such as A Dirty World, Duty & Honour, The Barbarians of Lemuria or Agon
  • Getting actual writing and playing done on my blaxploitation Cinematic Unisystem campaign
  • Maybe, just maybe, trying my hand at RPG system design again... I haven't really done it since 2002
See? That's not a project plan, it's a letter to Santa. Have a great New Year!

Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Bruised, bloodied rock'n'roll

The second part of the Angel adventure was played today. We had to reschedule so many times that today we went on despite one player being ill. Everyone survived Shadow Pass (from White Wolf's Midnight Roads) and managed to play a great gig in Hot Springs after the singer-guitarist had recovered from her wounds.

The players who were there expressed an interest in playing a few more times, so we might have a short campaign in our hands instead of a single scenario. I would certainly like that and I do have one or two ideas for the future adventures of Ellen Hart with the Sonic Rockets.

Game Count: 42/52

Saturday, 13 December 2008

Dungeon job

Started the D&D game this week by investigating the ruins of a wizard's keep. Found a single kobold priest surprisingly hard to take down. Did eventually succeed without losses to our group of three heroes and two NPC helpers. Will continue next year.

Game Count: 41/52