The long-awaited reprint of the Delta Green: Eyes Only chapbooks hit my mailbox this week. A pretty thing it is, too. They've made it a hardcover book which not only contains all three Eyes Only booklets of old, but also brand new material in the form of two scenarios and some supplemental writing. Daniel Solis worked on the layout, so it is the best looking of the three main Delta Green books. Not that the previous two were shabby in any way.
I only owned the Project Rainbow chapbook previously, so most of the old text is new to me, too. I haven't had a chance to properly read any chapter yet, but initial glances promise much. I did manage to read the short Tradecraft section, and it was very useful information for players and Keepers.
My Delta Green campaign is only beginning: the second session of Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays, which we are starting with, was supposed to take place this week. Sadly I had to cancel it because a bout of cold took away most of my voice. It might be good for the mood of a horror game if the Keeper sounded like the Cryptkeeper of Tales from the Crypt, but it would not help me get better, I think. So we will return to San Carlos in January. I am not planning an indefinitely long campaign in any case; if we get through 5-6 scenarios I'll be happy. If we can get to the end with, say, half of the original investigators (we have four players) it would be a nice surprise.
Now, if only Detwiller, Glancy et al would find the time to write a proper update of the Delta Green world for the post-9/11, Iraq war era... At least this book is selling well: the thousand-copy print run is almost sold out now, which is very respectable for a small-press RPG product available only via mail order. I would even settle for a PDF supplement. Fingers crossed!
FINNA: Helsingin olympialaiset (1952)
10 years ago
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