Wednesday, 12 December 2007

Old dog, new tricks, and so forth

This is my first actual blog entry if one doesn't count some journal entries on So bear with me while I learn.

It recently occurred to me that I haven't done this much roleplaying since the glory days of high school when all the players lived very close to each other and were usually available whenever somebody wanted to GM. I am currently running Delta Green and playing in a 1920s Call of Cthulhu game and a D&D Ptolus campaign. Moreover, I'll be a player in a Buffy game slated to start some time after the New Year and I have a hankering to run another game myself. Too much of a good thing will possibly be a bad thing, but we shall see. Maybe it will be an extraordinarily good thing. :)

About the title: no big story there. I just thought that this, more so than ever before, is a time of gaming in my life. My groups include some old players, some new, and some in-between, which I guess is an ideal mix. And the same applies to the games we play. Call of Cthulhu is an old hat. 3rd edition D&D is quite familiar by now, but CoC has it beaten by more than a decade. Finally, Buffy I have yet to play, even though I have owned the books for several years. Again, the selection couldn't be much better.

Enough rambling for now; time to hit Publish Post and get this show on the road! A small step for me, and even smaller for mankind.

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