Sunday 23 March 2008

I can sleep!

I don't know if it is because of the melatonin pills I was prescribed or for some other reason, but I can now sleep properly at night. That's a boost for morale, let me tell you.

In other news, Delta Green continued with the investigators flying to the East Coast in the adventure A Victim of the Art. The first session was low-key, mostly gathering clues and interviewing people.

My friend kept his promise to start running Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay... finally. :) I had never played it so I was quite curious. We got off to a rousing start, hacking down a group of mutants but failing to capture a mysterious sniper who had shot at Captain Schiller. My Student was surprisingly effective with his sword, although luck played her part there. The system and campaign world seemed quite all right on this first glance.

Game Count: 19/52

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