Sunday, 30 March 2008

Seems it's always Sunday when I update

This week we continued Ptolus (narrowly avoiding a TPK) and 1920s Cthulhu (in which the group traveled to Hollywood to investigate the strange death of a famous director).

In other news, I have a hankering to run a "demo game" of Godlike to see how the system works in actual play. Right now I'm thinking about a scenario set during the early war, possibly during the Phoney War period. For this I'd use characters without any superpowers, both because it would be easier for players with no One Roll Engine experience (and for me, too) and because if I later run another game with powers, their significance would perhaps stand out better. This is slowly percolating in the back of my mind with the Serenity in the West project...

Game Count: 21/52

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