Wednesday, 13 August 2008

PT-48 seems to have a crew

I've received three solid character ideas from the players, so it seems that Godlike is go. I have to finish writing the scenario and stat some NPCs, though. Hopefully we can start in a few weeks.


Anonymous said...

Hey there, sorry to barge into your blog like this but are you the guy who made the Powergame rpg?

Mikko said...

I am him, yes. :) Do you have questions about the game, or what?

Anonymous said...

Cool! You're a difficult man to track down...

I played the 6th ed for a while and really liked it, but now I can only find the 5th ed online, do you still have a more recent copy on your hard disc?

Also, how do you feel about the idea of playing Powergame over IRC?

Mikko said...

Oh yeah, the university finally shut my old page down, as well they should. :) I have to put the 6th edition online somewhere...

I haven't played any RPG over IRC, so I'm afraid I cannot comment specifically on Powergame either. If you try it, do tell me how it goes.

Anonymous said...

Oh that's too bad. I can only find 5th ed, and I've seen (broken) links for up to 7th. Oh well. I'll let you know how the game goes... unless you're interested in playing?